This morning, maybe, I was in a parallel world, but people was speaking a weird dialect whi I couldn’t understand…


This day was interesting because it was a good illustration for video using.

We have discussed about the reasons to use it :

  • introduction,
  • consolidating,
  • compréhension,
  • discussion.

Using a video can be helpfull to reinforce meanings dynamically, to capture the imagination, to do appearing the dialog participants clearer, to create visual reference points or to introduce complex concepts faster.


We have watched a short movie about a chinese man who will change his life to be happy.

So, he choose a random destination, the Irland. So, he works a lot to learn the Irish langage and goes there few months later.

But, on site, he discovers, only few Irish people understand the Irish langage. And by chance, an old man takes care about him and brings him in a village where Irish langage is speaking.


This short movie was an illustration to explain a lot of people thinks they can understand – maybe – Irsk langage, but they can’t speaking.

The video highlights a complex societal fact about Irsih langage – speaking, reading, writing.

We oppose people thinking about theirs skills and official governement statistiques.

My daily reflection

This day was interesting because it was a good illustration for pedagogical video using.

We have discussed about the reasons to use it and we had have a lot of questionning and reflection between european partners and our instructor.

Signed by your almost but not so much polyglot,

Vivien CAPO